Saturday, June 9, 2007


Today was awesome.

First, I went to the Talbot Street Art Fair. I ended up lucky with the schedule at the day job, because I was closing. That means I had plenty of time to go exploring art stuff in the morning.

I had a great time at the art fair. I bought some earrings made out of dichroic glass. I also got to see how the vendors were set up, and get an idea for the quality of work. I was fairly impressed. I did see a couple of dye artists there, where they only decorated the clothing as opposed to sewing it. They were both very high quality (not neccessarily my style, but still quality). They were unique from most other dyers, and the designs were pleasing to the eye. There were even a few designs that I had to ponder for a minute to figure out how they made them. I even had to touch a few just so I could figure out what the materials were. It was very intriguing. It was also interesting, because I just got my Bruce Baker CDs in the mail this week, and I was comparing the behavior and setups of the vendors to the suggestions on the CDs. It made me realize what is interesting and what is boring, and what is intimidating, etc from a customer's point of view.

I would go as far as to say that Talbot Street would be a show I'd apply to once I have my act together. By that, I mean once I have a consistent style and set of slides. For now I'm mostly applying to non-juried shows, which are hardly profitable. Talbot Street had an big turn out. It was very crowded, and most of the customers were actually buying or seriously considering it. They were all piling in early. The show started at 10, I got there at 9:50 and it was already packed with people. When I get seriously into shows, I want my booth to be packed with interested customers like that. It was nice to see. Of course, it was also funny to see how vendors act when they aren't quite done setting up, and people are flooding in!

I went to the day job at 2pm, sporting my gorgeous new earrings. I got tons of compliments and EVERYONE noticed. Lots of people said, "you don't normally wear earrings, do you?" and then it led to a few conversations about where I got them, and why I'm so happy to wear them.

Then, after I ran a few deals, I met up with my boss for my file review. He hinted that I might be the next Store Champion, which is our company's version of employee of the month more or less. So, soon enough, I'll be getting a good parking space, and a prize... probably a gift card or something, but still, it will be awesome! And of course, my boss happened to mention that he knows I'm comfortable where I'm at... but if that ever changes, wink wink nudge nudge, to let him know. Basically, he wants to get me groomed for a promotion. I just told him what all I want to learn before I get to that stage. He agreed, and basically I overheard him telling another associate what all needs to be covered before that person can be promoted... and it was more or less my plan for myself. I'm thinking toward the end of this year, or early next year I'll ask about it and climb that ladder. Unless of course, my art career takes of.

It would appear that the stakes are getting higher and higher all the time for this major decision of where my career will go. Of course, it also gets more entertaining. Each field has it's promising aspects. The art thing is going to be fun, and I will finally know what it's like to be professional at it. I still consider myself to be a hobbyist in many ways, but like I said, once I get a consistent body of work, I'll apply to some good shows. Of course, also, I also have things to learn in my day job before that promotion hits... so I'm imagining both happening at around the same time.

On a side note, I also found out why I'm going to Kansas City next month. I am going to help out because they have a lot of new people, and only one manager. From what I understand, it's a big store too. I will be a leader in many ways, and it will be good experience. Also, since they only have one manager in the office... it is kind of shoving it in my face that our company is ready to promote as many people as quickly as they can get qualified to take it. This is very much the reason why I work there. I get so bored doing the same crap and never getting recognized for it. I am definately recognized now!

Well, I'm going to sign off for the night. Little bro's birthday party is tomorrow, and I have to be there, not to mention with my angry husband. He's angry because the party was supposed to be at our place, and my Grandma hijacked it. Woo hoo! A three year old's birthday party out in the middle of nowhere! Maybe I'll take my Bruce Baker CDs and a CD player with me in case I get bored...

PS. We got Dave's car back. It's fixed and it looks nice. It didn't really take a month. She was just kidding.

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